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Stormwater Management

Stormwater management involves the collection and retention of stormwater runoff within specifically designed treatment measures.  These devices ensure that downstream receiving environments are not negatively affected as a result of increases to nutrient loads and peak flow.


Our water engineers have extensive experience in detailed design of stormwater management measures in accordance with State and Local government requirements.

Erosion and Sediment Control

During the construction phase of development activities, vegetation is removed and soils are exposed.  This creates the potential for large quantities of sediment to be eroded and transported into downstream water bodies.  Appropriately designed and well maintained control measures can be effective in reducing soil loss and therefore preventing environmental impacts.


Our lead sediment and erosion control specialist is a Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC) with the International Erosion Control Association.

Water Quality

Water quality testing and assessment is important in the identification of environmental impacts and the monitoring of stormwater treatment measures.  BIOME Consulting water engineers and environmental scientists are experienced in the collection and handling of surface water samples and use of water quality testing equipment. 

Water Resource Management

Water Resource Management is the optimisation of the use of water in an effort to minimise the impact on the environment.  In an urban environment this involves the beneficial use of stormwater runoff for non-potable reuse such as toilet flushing and landscaping. 


BIOME Consulting water engineers are skilled in water balance modelling and the sizing of stormwater retention and reuse infrastructure.

Water Sensitive Urban Design

Current industry best practice seeks to integrate the urban water cycle (stormwater, groundwater, wastewater management and water supply), into urban development, to minimise environmental degradation and improve aesthetic and recreational outcomes.


Working with developers and approval authorities, BIOME Consulting engineers have gained experience in Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) and can provide practical design solutions for your project.

Hydraulic Impact Assessment

The safe conveyance of stormwater through a development site requires the preparation of sound engineering designs for various hydraulic structures.  The control of peak discharge via hydraulic detention measures is also a significant element of urban development.  The appropriate management of stormwater flow and peak discharge ensures that development does not cause an adverse impact to both downstream and upstream properties.  


BIOME Consulting water engineers have experience in the design of hydraulic conveyance measures and the use of 1D and 2D modelling packages to assist in the optimisation of design options.



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